Order this workbook for children currently in 2nd grade.
- The 2nd grade workbook contains 28 lessons, complete help Section, a set of cut-out rulers, and 4 fun activity pages.
- Provides a complete review of all the math covered in the 2nd grade Common Core curriculum.
- Designed to take 10-15 minutes per lesson, 2-3 times a week, throughout the summer.
- All your child needs is the workbook and a pencil to complete. No internet (no distractions) needed.
- Every question is tagged with a help tip number. Your child can quickly find the help they need to solve each problem.
- In the Base/Gold Star – “EASY” edition, half of the questions are written at an average level and half of the questions are written at the easy level. Easy-level questions are written so a student who struggled can still complete them on their own or with help from the help section with minimal recall. These questions are designed to allow students to apply and retain the concepts of the standard without frustrating them to the point that they cannot complete the question.
You will receive access to two answer keys: one with all the answers and one with answers to all the odd-numbered problems. You know your child best. You can give them either one, or neither one, to help them self-guide their way through each lesson.